Before you embark on any exercise program, make sure your physician approves.
The GCC "200" is a medicine ball workout developed by Coach Tom Tucker for the Genesee Community College Golf teams.
It's modeled after the UNC Tar Heels Men's Basketball team medicine ball workout.
- Do the workout 3 times per week.
- Do each exercise for 20 reps, no rest between exercises - 200 reps total.
- When it becomes easy, increase intensity by
either repeating the whole cycle for 100 more reps or using more weight.
- A 6 lb. medicine ball will be plenty for this routine initially.
- One cycle should take around 8 minutes to complete.
The GCC "200" Medicine Ball Workout
- Big Circles  
Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent, hold a medicine ball
with your arms extended directly above your head . Without bending your elbows, rotate your arms
counterclockwise, using the ball to draw large imaginary circles in front your body . Do 10 circles,
and then reverse direction to clockwise and do 10 more.
That's 20 reps.
- Vertical Chops  
Stand with your feet just beyond shoulder-width apart. With your arms
nearly straight, hold a medicine ball above your head Now bend forward at your waist and mimic
throwing the ball backward between your legs ( hold onto the ball). Quickly reverse the movement with the
same intensity, and return to the start position.
That's 1 rep.
- Squat and Press  
Stand holding a medicine ball close to your chest with both hands, your feet just beyond
shoulder-width apart . Do a half squat with a straight back, then simultaneously drive your heels into the floor
and push your body back to the starting position as you press the ball over your head . Lower the ball back to
the start.
That's 1 rep
- Standing Russian Twist  
Hold a medicine ball with both hands in front of your chest and your arms straight.
Without dropping your arms, pivot on your right foot and rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can to the left,
then reverse direction.
That's 1 rep.
- Diagonal Chops R to L  
With your feet just beyond shoulder width apart and your arms nearly straight, hold
a medicine ball above your R shoulder. Now bend forward at your waist and move the ball down and outside your L leg.
That's 1 rep.
- Medicine-Ball Situp  
Lie flat on the floor, bend your knees 90 degrees, keep your feet flat on the floor,
and hold the medicine ball against your chest . Now perform a classic situp by raising your torso into a
sitting position.
That's 1 rep.
- Diagonal Chops L to R  
Opposite of R to L
- Toe Touch  
Grab a medicine ball, lie on your back, and raise your legs so they're straight and perpendicular
to the floor. Hold the ball above the top of your head with your arms straight . Without moving your legs or
bending your elbows, simultaneously lift your arms and torso until the ball touches your toes . Lower yourself
back to the starting position.
That's 1 rep.
- 45-Degree Twist  
Grab a medicine ball and sit on the floor. Lean back at a 45-degree angle,
raise your legs and feet off the floor, and hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest,
your arms straight . Without dropping your legs or arms, rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can
to the right . Then reverse direction, rotating all the way to the left.
That's 1 rep.
- Suitcase Crunch  
Lie on your back with your legs straight. Use both hands to hold a medicine ball
above your head and barely off the floor. Simultaneously raise your torso and bend your right knee toward your chest
as you bring the ball over your knee and toward your foot. Reverse the movement and repeat, this time bending your
left knee.
That's 1 rep.