Pee Wee Division July 10th through July 17th, 2017
Front Row, left to right: Callie Colantonio, Roanne George, Riley Yunker, Naomi Utz
Rear Row, left to right: Gavynn Tripanny, Caleb Smith, Will Fulton, NIcolas Calarco-Smith, Noah Calarco-Smith
The Pee Wee players experienced a little rain, but it didn't dampen their spirits at all!
The Friday Tournament ended up in a tight race between Riley Yunker and Will Fulton, but Riley prevailed and ended up winning by
one stroke to take the medal.
Riley Yunker had closest to the pin on hole 13, Will "The Thrill" Fulton had closest to the pin on hole 17, and
Noah Calarco-Smith had the long drive on hole 14.
Gavynn Tripanni medaled in the 18 hole putting contest, and Will "The Thrill" Fulton hit the target with his last shot in
the chipping contest to edge out Noah Colantonio-Smith for the chipping contest medal.
Other contest winners were: Roanne George - lag putting, and Callie Colantonio - aimline accuracy.
The kids had a blast!
Junior - Senior Division, July 17th through July 21st, 2017
Front Row, left to right: Logan Clark, Noah Whitcombe, Connor Domoy, Jaslynne Watt,
Rear Row, left to right: Bear Jacobs, Jase Stone, Aiden Warner, Carson Warner, Bella Thom, Kayla Richenberg
The Junior and Senior Division players experienced great weather all week, and they played as good as the weather!
The Friday Tournament ended up in a win for Senior Division golfer Jase "Bank Shot" stone, who shot a 36 to win by 5 strokes. His
round was highlighted by him hitting the green on hole 17, playing 165 yards, to win closest to the pin. Jase got the nickname due
to his proclivity for hitting golf balls into trees and always getting a good kick back into play!
The Junior Division went to a playoff after Aiden Warner and Logan Clark each carded a 45. There was a sudden death putt off on
hole three from about 40 feet, and Aiden Warner two putted for the win as Logan's two putt attempt drifted over the side of the hole.
Bear Jacobs and Aiden Warner had notable shots on hole 16 when Aiden stuck his third shot on the par 5 to ten feet, and Bear
hit a great shot from the deep heather in the hazard to about seven feet. Logan Clark lag putted well all day.
Bear Jacobs had closest to the pin on hole 13, and
Carson Warner had the long drive on hole 14.
The lady golfers competed well with the men all week, notably Jaslynne Watt. Kayla Richenberg showed an enormous
amount of improvement. Bella Thom had her week cut short when she got sick on Monday, then broke her ankle playing another
sport on Wednesday night. She has been invited back to next year's camp free of charge.
Other contest winners were: Aiden Warner - lag putting, and Jaslynne Watt - aimline accuracy.
Everyone improved by the end of the week, the daily scrambles were very competitive (Aiden Warner rolled in a 60 foot putt during
one scramble), and as a group the kids they were very well behaved and had a lot of fun.
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