[ TomTuckerGolf.com Tips ] Issue 9 - Date 04/18/12

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The venue where I give lessons, the Plum Creek Driving Range and Practice
has their new simulator installed, and it will be available to the public
as soon as the indoor remodeling is complete - very soon!

There's a link to Plum Creek here: http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/


- Tom's Quick Tip: Let Optimism Prevail
- Tom's Featured Tip: Pressure on Approach Shots
- Golf Lessons
- Sponsors

Tom's Quick Tip - Let Optimism Prevail

How many times have you walked up to a tee and said to yourself  "If I pull it, I'm
in the woods", or "If I don't hit it solid, I'm in the water"?

A much better mental approach is to step up to the tee and ask yourself this:
"What's the BEST thing that can happen?" - then visualize it and make your swing or
stroke your putt.

Let optimism prevail in your pre shot visualization and good things will have a
better chance of happening.

Tom's Featured Tip - Handling Pressure

For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from
a right handed perspective; lefties .... well, you know what to do

Pressure itself is not necessarily a bad thing, but feeling tremendous pressure is not good.
Feeling pressure to perform should be welcomed, not something you should avoid. If you
are too comfortable playing golf, I will guarantee some loose shots simply because
your concentration level is not up to par.

You need to find a balance between too much pressure and being too relaxed.

You need to find the level of pressure that helps your game.

There are generally two types of pressure.

One type
is when you look at your score and realize that you are playing extremely well,
and as a result you are thrust outside of your comfort zone.

The other type of pressure may appear when you are playing poorly.

There is a third type - I call it the Lee Trevino pressure - when you are playing a match
for a $100 bet with only $50 in your pocket, and you're down two holes with three to play.
We won't deal with this type of pressure in this issue, other than to say never play this type
of match with someone that can outrun you.

If you are playing so well that you feel pressure, enjoy it - it's beats the heck
out of the opposite. Personally, I say to myself "Why not me?" when everything seems to
be going better than normal. I mean what the heck, I deserve it. This may be the one instance
in life where I would recommend fostering an "entitlement" mentality, so to speak.

Enjoy it and learn from it.

Playing poorly, however, evokes a type of pressure is hard for some players to handle.

Here are some things that you can do to snap out of that pressure trap during a round:

1. Revert to your "go to" swing, whether it's a fade, draw, or straight shot - just do it.
Even if it's not the optimal ball flight for the situation, you're better off making a swing
that your brain trusts. If you don't have a "go to" swing, get one.

2. Don't try a Bubba Watson shot
one that you've never practiced. Actually, Bubba
practiced that shot a million times, but you know what I mean.

3. Don't get fast, don't hurry, don't rush - stick to your pre-shot routine.

4. If you make a bad shot, fuggetaboutit

5. Take enough club
for the shot and don't overswing.

6. Being on a golf course - even when you aren't playing your best - is still better
than being where most of the rest of the population is. Stop, smell the roses, count
your blessings. 

Enjoy, Tom

Golf Lessons

I conduct lessons at The Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
there's a link with info here: http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/

Lessons are available for all ages and skill levels
, please contact
me - Tom Tucker - at (716) 474 3005 or at ttucker@rochester.rr.com
for more information.

Lesson rates are here: http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/lessonrates.html


Batavia Country Club
- http://www.bataviacc.com/rates.html check out their
great spring rates

Chestnut Hill CC - http://www.chestnuthillcc.com/ Buffalogolfer.com notes the
"challenge and diversity" of this course at a playable level. Spring rates available.


All the best, and remember: Victory Loves Preparation ~

Tom Tucker
Teaching Pro, Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
WGTF "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
USGTF Class "A" Teaching Professional
Cell: (716) 474-3005
Email: ttucker@rochester.rr.com