[ TomTuckerGolf.com Tips ] Issue 218 - Date 11/21/12

Newsletters Archive: http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/archive.html
Hundreds of Great Tips and Articles to help you improve your game.


- Tom's Featured Tip: Maintaining Your Angle of Inclination
- Tom's Bonus Tip: Sadlowski; Ribs; Fatigue
- Lesson Comments: http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/testimonials.html
- Sponsors: The Batavia Country Club, Chestnut Hill CC,
  Plum Creek Driving Range and PGA AboutGolf.com Golf Simulator

November "Get To Know Us" Indoor Golf Special - $75 Foursome Rate
to Play any of our 40+ Simulator Courses.
Call 585-993-0930 or email
Mark at plumcreek4@rochester.rr.com to reserve your tee time!

I am conducting indoor lessons
this winter in the Simulator bay at Plum
Creek, please call me at 716 474 3005, email me at ttucker@rochester.rr.com,
or visit my website at http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/indoor.html for rates
and details.

I also am offering a Driver Fitting Service, details are here:
http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/indoor.html It doesn't make sense to spend
big bucks on a new driver if it's specifications don't allow you to get the most out
of your swing. Also keep in mind that you'll get a totally objective fitting through
me because I have no vested interest in selling you a new club.

If you want to respond to this newsletter, PLEASE DO NOT hit reply, email sent via
reply gets auto-deleted. Instead, please FORWARD your reply to ttucker@rochester.rr.com
and I'll get it directly. Thanks! Tom Tucker http://www.tomtuckergolf.com/

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Tom's Featured Tip:  Upper Torso Angle of Inclination

For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from
a right handed perspective; lefties .... well, you know what to do :-)

This information pertains to upper torso angle of inclination viewed
from a down the line angle, not from a face on view, and there's a
great drill at the end of the explanation.

Most of my students come to me with a gross misconception of how their
setup posture relates to the changing positions of the spine during
the golf swing.

It's readily apparent that they have been told, or have read, that
they should maintain their spine angle throughout the swing.

Without having that explained, one may surmise that they should try to
maintain a forward waist bend (forward flexion) throughout their swing.
This produces tipping and leaning away from the target during the
backswing, some off balance finishes, some very poor shots, and a lot
of frustration - even though the student thinks they are doing the
right thing.

Think Upper Torso Angle of Inclination NOT Forward Bend at The Waist.

What the student needs to do is maintain the proper upper torso angle
of inclination toward the ground throughout the swing. That's a lot
different than maintaining a forward bend from the waist.

This means that if you set up with a 30 degree forward bend at address,
there should still be a 30 degree forward upper torso angle of inclination
towards the ground in your backswing and forward swing. In order for
this to happen, your spine must tilt to the left side in your backswing,
then flex forward as you rotate forward to strike the ball, then tilt
to the right side in your follow through.

As the spine tilts to the side, it also straightens, so don't fight it - let it happen.

The shoulders turn at a 90 degree angle to the spine, so yes - they
do dip and rise. How much or how little depends on the swing method
you are using. Some methods actually employ a flatter turn than 90
degrees to the spine, but they still move up and down to a degree in
a well executed swing.

Tilting to the side is not exclusive advice for any particular swing,
every excellent golfer does this regardless of their swing method. The
difference between methods would be in the degree that the spine
straightens towards the target in the backswing as it tilts left, how
the weight shifts, and the plane angle of the shoulder turn.

Notice how better players are always seeing the results of their shots
with an angled (tilted) eyeline. It's because their upper torso remained
tilted towards the ground into their follow through, which is evidence
of a good angle of inclination (tilt) through the strike.

So ... if you find yourself leaning into your backswing to maintain
forward bend from the waist, tilt to the side instead and enjoy the results!


Here's a great drill to help you feel the angle of inclination correctly:
  1. In golf posture, lean your upper forehead against a wall with pillow
    or towel between your head and the wall. Grip an imaginary club with your
    hands, with a flat left wrist and a cupped right wrist. Keep your left arm
    athletically firm, not locked. Your eyes should be able to see your hands
    without straining.
  2. Now take 3/4 swings with your hands held in the impact position as
    described above.
  3. Swing about 3/4 back and 3/4 through continuously without allowing
    your head to move laterally. It may turn a bit as you swing, that's ok.
    Your sternum should remain centered, your shoulders should be getting
    below your chin, or at least on that path.
If you keep your head on the wall, your angle of inclination into your
backswing, at impact, and into your follow through will be on the right track.

Make next year your best year.

Love your practice, enjoy your golf,


Tom's Bonus Tip: Sadlowski; Ribs; Fatigue

For the sake of simplicity, all advice on swings and drills is provided from
a right handed perspective; lefties .... well, you know what to do :-)

Jamie Sadlowski
destroys golf channel simulator.  I wrote about Jamie's
long drive prowess in a previous issue, but this takes swing speed to a new level, check It out:

RIBS - A couple of issues ago
I mentioned that I was taking a little time off from lessons and
swinging a club to let a back problem heal.  Well, I did that, and also went to the VA
for some tests and eventually ended up in their PT Department.

Two great things happened there. 

First, the problem was identified as a displaced rib, not a back injury, which is good news. 
Apparently my latissimus muscle disturbed a rib when I was straining to lift too much
weight during a weight training session.  For those of you who thought that "stupid"
subsides when you get older, think again. :-)

Second, I was treated by Brian Piekarski, a Doctor of Physical Therapy who works
at the Buffalo, NY VA. He's a great guy, and very tuned in to golf swing related
injury issues.  He gave me a great stretching routine, and here are some stretching
exercise photos he sent me to share with you:


I have since re-dedicated myself to what he calls 3D stretching (planar stretching)
because I want to continue to do what I'm doing for as long as I can.

Give it a try, it will help your swing.

HEART - I have studied, learned, and passionately believe, that progressive resistance
exercise (not done stupidly) really helps turn back the hands of time in the aging process,
and that cardio exercise still has it's place.

If you walk when you play, being well conditioned on the cardio side can definitely help
carry you through 18 holes of golf.  When I coached college golf, our team was on a
regular conditioning program, and many of my players remarked at how much stronger
they felt during tournaments - especially on the back 9.

Fatigue puts you on the fast track to poor shots and injury. It may well manifest
itself through poor performance and/or poor concentration instead of obvious exhaustion,
especially if you ride when you play.

If your back 9 scores are consistently higher than your front 9 scores, maybe you need
to pay attention to your cardiovascular conditioning.

Pretty simple solution here: one dose of resolution, and one dose of get your butt off the
couch and go for a walk.  Walking is best simply because it's what you do on the course.

I've often thought that if you walk and carry when you play, that you would get the most
benefit from your daily walk by carrying your clubs while you walked.  Now I've never actually
done this during a conditioning walk, but it's a thought.  If I was still coaching college golf,
I think I'd actually consider trying that training method.

Outdoor walking is even better than on a treadmill.  Outdoor walking requires that you use
the propulsionary muscles in your butt (glutes), and the back of your legs as you propel
your body weight over the ground.  When on a treadmill, you stay put as the ground moves
underneath you, so no propulsion - although it's still excellent for strengthening the heart and
lungs.  Having said that, winter sidewalks and roads in the Northeast are not always walkable,
so a treadmill may be the next best option.

Get in a minimum of 3 days of walking per week, and work your way up
gradually to three 30 minute sessions. If you enjoy it, the more days
per week the better - but strive for 3 days minimum.

Love your practice, enjoy your golf,


Golf Lessons

I conduct lessons at The Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility

Lessons are available for all ages and skill levels
, please contact
me - Tom Tucker - at (716) 474 3005 or at ttucker@rochester.rr.com
for more information.

Outdoor Lessons Details and Rates:

Indoor Lessons Details and Rates:

Driver Fitting Rates:



Plum Creek Driving Range
- Play indoor golf on any of our 40+ Simulator Courses.
Call 585-993-0930 or email Mark at plumcreek4@rochester.rr.com to reserve your tee
time! - http://www.plumcreekdrivingrange.com/
Batavia Country Club - http://www.bataviacc.com Course open, weather permitting.
Chestnut Hill CC - http://www.chestnuthillcc.com Course open, weather permitting.


All the best,

Tom Tucker
Teaching Pro, Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
WGTF "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
USGTF Class "A" Teaching Professional
Cell: (716) 474-3005
Email: ttucker@rochester.rr.com

Success Loves Preparation
~ Anonymous