Golf Tips Newsletter
Issue 546 - Wed. February 27th, 2019
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USGTF Class "A" Teaching Professional
WGTF "Top 100" Teacher
IGPA Certified Golf Psychology Coach


If you don't take action, you'll never improve.
Prepare to play your best golf by doing something now!

Tom's Featured Tip: Fix Your Phase
Lesson Comments: What Students Have To Say
Sponsors: Plum Creek Driving Range 
Batavia Country Club
Chestnut Hill Country Club 

Click here:  INDOOR GOLF LESSONS  for details on how to improve your game over the winter.

Plum Creek Driving Range, Batavia, NY, Open All Year
Simulator Course Play Specials: Call 585-993-0930 or Email Mark to reserve simulator time!

Buy Gift Certificates for Lessons   Sample Gift Certificate

Golf lessons - Outdoor and Indoor - are available at Plum Creek. Please call me (Tom Tucker) at 716 474 3005, email me at, or visit my website at   for details.

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Tom's Featured Tip: Fix Your Phase

For simplicity, all advice on actual swings or drills is provided from a right handed perspective.

I'm an unabashed Tiger fan, so I was disappointed that he didn't win at the WGC-Mexico Championship last weekend.

He lost any chance of winning on the greens. One four putt and a handful of three putts, which are very uncharacteristic for him, sealed his fate. But with all of his troubles on the green, he still shot -8.

That's because other phases of his game were on point. That proves that you can still score very well, even if you are not hitting on all cylinders.

Tiger was clicking on two of the four phases of his game: his tee shots and his approach shots. His short game, including finesse shots was not sharp, and his putting was sub par.

He also looked a little tired to me during his last round, or maybe he was just still disgusted with his poor putting during round three. Stay tuned though, he's close.

One great way to get ready for your own golf season here on the Northeast is to identify which of the four phases of your game need improvement -
  • your tee shots, including your long game
  • your approach shots from 150 yards and in
  • your short game, including finesse shots
  • or your putting
Identify the area you need to work on, then get at it. That means diligent practice. Keep in mind that practice isn't the thing you do once you're good at something. it's the thing you do to get good at something.

How much you practice depends on your motivation, but after all is said and done, there is no substitute for intelligent, focused practice.

There is a lot of talk about shorter, smarter practice sessions, and there's truth in that. There's also truth in longer sessions with more reps when you are making a technique correction or building a swing method.

Wear the shoe that fits your needs.

Here are a few suggestions for how to practice technique for the various phases of your game prior to getting outdoors and playing.
  • For your long game, practice slow motion swings indoors with perfect technique. Don't hit a ball with the swing, just make slow, perfect swings. Don't turn your nose up at this type of practice, it worked pretty well for Ben Hogan.

  • For your approach shots as well as your short game, practice the ball striking drill that I always recommend for winter practice indoors. Hit "AlmostGolf Balls" off of a carpet remnant or a hitting mat into a net, blanket, or tarp hanging in your basement. Make short swings, always making contact with the ball before the mat (ball first), punch shot technique. Think "Squish" the ball on every shot.

  • Finesse shots - use the ball striking station setup, short swings, but instead of "squishing" the ball, slide your wedge under the ball using the bounce of your club to feel it gliding along the mat. Short finish with open clubface, think "slide".

    When you can "Squish" the ball or "Slide" the clubhead, you'll be able to execute a number of different greenside finesse shots when they are called for.

  • Putting is the easiest of all, buy a putting ramp and practice your butt off. I always recommend the SKLZ Accelerator Pro - Indoor Putting Green With Ball Return (9 feet x 16.25 Inches), you can find it online from $39 to $49.
When you play, use your putter from off the green whenever you can, and always leave the pin in. ALWAYS.

If you have a blade putter and putt well with it, more power to you. If you are not putting well with it, get a mallet head putter. You'll thank me for that advice. I bought one of my brothers a TaylorMade Spider Tour putter, and I don't think he's missed a putt since. Well, maybe one or two, but his putting improved dramatically.

Try all of this, you'll really like it!

If you need help with your putting technique, give me a call at (716) 474-3005 to schedule a lesson. I'd be glad to help you out.


Love your practice, own your swing, own your health,


Golf Lessons

I conduct lessons at The Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
there's a link for Plum Creek info here:

Lessons are available for all ages and skill levels, please contact
me - Tom Tucker - at (716) 474 3005 or email me at
for more information.

Outdoor Lessons Details and Rates:

Indoor Lessons Details and Rates:



Plum Creek Driving Range and Simulator  Outdoor range and play indoor golf on any of our 40 Simulator Courses. Call 585-993-0930 or email Mark at to reserve time for simulator play or practice!

Batavia Country Club   (585) 343-7600
Great rates, the best greens in WNY. Golf Digest Four Star rating for public courses to play in New York State.

Tee times online or by phone in season.

Pre-pay for a 2019 membership now and your membership will apply to the rest of this year!

FISH FRYS ARE BACK AT BCC and other delicious dinner specials with soup and salad bar - Fridays, 4pm - 9pm

Chestnut Hill Country Club   (585)-547-3613
Only minutes from Buffalo, open to the public.

Tee times online or by phone in season.

All the best,

Tom Tucker
Teaching Pro, Plum Creek Driving Range & Practice Facility
WGTF ' "Top 100 Golf Teacher"
USGTF Class "A" Teaching Professional
IGPA Certified Golf Psychology Coach
Cell: (716) 474-3005

"There are no substitutes in the quest for perfection!"
~ Ben Hogan