Impact Fix Position and Drills
Above: Static Impact Fix Position and Drills
Ignore the arrow and you see the perfect impact fix position.
- Good forward shaft lean,
hands forward and elevated,
- shoulders relatively square,
hips open
- Drill One:
- Set up normally, then position yourself in the impact fix position and
hold for four seconds.
- Then execute a full swing starting from the impact fix position.
- Drill Two:
- Set up normally, then position yourself in the impact fix position and hold for four seconds.
- Then set up
normally for your shot
and execute a full swing.
Either drill will help you groove a good impact position during your actual swing. I recommend
actually playing all of your short iron shots by starting from the impact fix position as a hedge against hitting it fat.
Above: Perfect Post Impact
Note straight left wrist, cupped right wrist, weight on forward side
Above: Impact Drill With Driveway Marker Rod
Execute 15 yard punch shot swings with your pitching wedge while holding the rod alongside the shaft, extending upward
alongside your body. As you follow through from the swing, make sure you transport the impact angles of your hands and wrists
into your 3/4 follow through. A correct follow through
will not allow the rod to strike your side because your hands will still be ahead of the clubhead like they were at impact.
You'll feel it if it's incorrect because the rod will bang into your side if the clubhead catches up to your hands too soon.
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