This is a maintenance workout, and should be done plyometrically. The short definition of that is explosively.
The program should be done during the playing season.Your main training focus now should be swing speed work, core work,
stretching, and swing training.
Always try to get in some cardio and light stretching on your own after your weight workout.
The Four Recommended Exercises (each exercise is linked to a YouTube demo)
Power Clean Explode on the lift, lower with control.
If you can't do power cleans, consider investing in a
Trap Weightlifting Bar I have one, and even at an older age can handle quite
a bit of weight with it - without the worry of dropping it or losing my balance.
Trap Bar Deadlifts are a suitable substitute for power cleans if you can't do them.
Narrow Grip Bench
(use a spotter or catch rack) Explode on the push, lower with control.
Upright Barbell Row Explode on
the lift, lower with control.
Seated Alternating Dumbell Shoulder Press
Explode on the push, lower with control.
If your workout conflicts with playing golf or other swing work, play golf or do your
swing work first, then do the weight workout.
This routine should be done every third day or twice per week,
that will be plenty. Do
do this routine 3 times per week.
Everyone's recovery time is a bit different, it's best to undertrain slightly than to overtrain.
Sets - Reps - Recovery Time
It's been my personal experience that I don't need to warmup for a lift that I can
perform for 8 reps, but if you prefer to warmup, perform 1 giant set of warmups for
each exercise at half of your working weight.
After your warmup, or directly if you don't need a warmup,
do 1 giant
set of each exercise at a weight that taxes you for 8 repetitions. Note that it will be a
lighter weight than you used during the explosive strength building phase.
Use an amount of weight that you can handle safely for 8 explosive repetitions, but
not bunny weight. Make it a safe - but challenging - weight.
Add weight when 8 reps gets too easy.
Two minutes between sets.
We are working primarily on maintaining strength.